Blayze's Story
The Blayzeing Star Charity was founded after I lost my 6 week old son, Blayze Jett to Group B Strep which caused Meningitis, septicaemia, a catastrophic brain injury and also sent him into Septic Shock.
Blayze was born healthy in September 2015 at 7lb 15oz after a very straight forward pregnancy but a slightly traumatic birth. Blayze was born via an emergency C Section after 48 hours of labour. We were discharged from hospital when Blayze was 1 week old, we didn’t stay in hospital because Blayze was poorly but because I was! We were so happy to go home and finally start our life as a new family of 3.
From day one, Blayze had always been a very cranky baby, he was very unsettled. As the days went on I became increasing concerned and in the space of 4 weeks we visited the doctors 3 times, as well as seeing a health visitor twice and a midwife twice. I was reassured at each visit with a health care professional that Blayze was fine and a healthy baby.
The early hours of one morning when Blayze was just over 4 weeks old, he fell extremely ill. He was refusing his bottles, which was very much unlike him as he was a every 2 hour feeder and was even more unsettled than normal. I also notice he had began grunting and was feeling quite warm.
I was very worried and rang 111 for advice, I will always remember the lady on the phone asking who I was calling for and for our address and number and then she didn’t ask anymore questions, apart from ‘’is that your son breathing I can hear’’, I replied ‘’yes’’ and she said ‘’ I’m not going to ask you anything else I’m going to send an ambulance out to you immediately as a category red call’’.
The ambulance arrived within 10 minutes. I told the paramedics how Blayze had been and they done their observations. Unfortunately, the crew decided Blayze didn’t need to be sent to hospital and I could stay at home and wait for the GP to open at 8am. As a young first time mum, I took their advice. They stayed with us until the GP surgery opened and I got an appointment for 3hrs later, they then left.
We headed over to the appointment and Blayze was so poorly that he was put on oxygen in the surgery and an ambulance was called again, the GP at this point was suspecting bronchiolitis.
Within 5 hours of us being at the hospital, our world was tipped upside down. A paediatric doctor told us they were now suspecting Meningitis and had started antibiotics, but Blayze had gotten even more poorly that they had to induce a coma and put him on life support. As Blayze was now on life support our local hospital couldn’t care for him so we had to be transferred to a hospital with a PICU unit more than 70 miles from our home. We were transferred via a CATS team ambulance which had a intensive care nurse and doctor on board.
During the transfer to Addenbrookes in Cambridge, the doctor became increasing concerned. He said Blayze’s eyes had now stopped responding which indicated a possible brain Injury, so as soon as we got to Addenbrookes Blayze was rushed straight for a CT scan.
Our next 10 days at the hospital all moulded into one.
We were unfortunately told that Blayze had an infection known as Group B Strep, which had caused Meningitis which had then caused him to suffer a catastrophic brain injury, as well as him having septicaemia and going into septic shock.
We heard the dreaded words ‘we are going to have to take your son of life support and we don’t think his going to breathe for longer than 30 minutes’. It was the worst time of my life. After 10 days of fighting so hard, our beautiful son passed away at 6 weeks and 1 day old. He will forever be our little superhero.